Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP)
The UROP program enables students to work one-on-one or as part of a small group of students on research projects conducted by faculty and research scientists all across campus. Students will choose research projects by looking through a catalog of over 700 research projects and will then interview for the positions with the faculty researcher.
All students participating in the program are required to attend a biweekly research seminar and a monthly meeting with a peer advisor, read research-related articles (e.g., research ethics, research in specific disciplines, research methods) and complete short journal assignments. UROP Students will also have the opportunity to present their research at UROP’s annual symposium.
Students may participate in UROP for academic credit, or they may use their Financial Aid Work-Study award, if available. Students who are enrolled in the College of Engineering and working on projects with Engineering faculty will enroll in ENGR 280 and determine their workload with their research mentor by choosing from the following options:
2 credits = 6 hours of research/week
3 credits = 9 hours of research/week
4 credits = 12 hours of research/week
*** Students earning Work-Study wages will earn 1 academic credit and be compensated monetarily for their research hours ***
Most projects in the engineering and health science disciplines are time-intensive, and many students work 10-12 hours per week.
For more information and to access the online application, please visit the UROP website.
Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering – SURE (for U-M undergraduate students)
SURE offers summer research internships to outstanding undergraduate students who have completed their sophomore or junior year (preference will be given to those who have completed three years of study) by the time of their internship. Participants have the opportunity to conduct 10-12 weeks of full-time summer research with some of the country’s leading faculty in a wide range of engineering disciplines. The program provides opportunities for students to assess their interests and potential in pursuing research at the Masters or Ph.D. level in graduate school. All participants must apply online through the SURE website. Accepted applicants from the University of Michigan receive guidance by a faculty advisor in a College of Engineering research facility, a stipend of $5,000 and attend regular meetings.
For more information, please visit the SURE website.