Transferring Out
A student who wishes to pursue studies in another unit of the University must apply for admission to that unit and be accepted in order to continue enrollment in the University. In most cases, a student must be in good scholastic standing to be eligible for admission to other colleges/schools.
Term Withdrawals
The rules and procedures for term withdrawals vary based on when the withdrawal takes place, as outlined below:
- Before the First day of classes: Students must withdraw through the University of Michigan Office of the Registrar. This may be done in-person at Rm 2200 Student Activities Building; via e-mail ([email protected]); by fax (734-763-9053 or 734-763-7961); or by mail (University of Michigan Office of the Registrar, Room 2200 SAB, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1382). The term in question is fully removed from the academic record.
- A student who withdraws after registration shall pay a disenrollment fee according to the rules in effect at the time of withdrawal as found on the Office of the Registrar’s website.
- First day of classes to the Third-week deadline: Students must report to the College Registrar’s Office (145A Chrysler Center) or submit an email to [email protected] from their student email account, which requests a term withdrawal and includes the student’s name and UMID number. The term is fully removed from the academic record. No documentation is needed.
- Third-week deadline to the Ninth-week deadline in Fall/Tenth-week deadline in Winter: Students must report to the College Registrar’s Office (145A Chrysler Center), or submit an email to [email protected] from their student email account, which requests a term withdrawal and includes the student’s name and UMID number; a “W” will appear for each course. No documentation is needed.
- Ninth-week deadline in Fall/Tenth-week deadline in Winter to the last day of classes: Students must report to the Scholastic Standing Committee Office (273 Chrysler Center) or email [email protected] from their student email account to request a term withdrawal; a “W” will appear for each course. No documentation is needed. The student is not eligible to enroll in the next full term, and needs to note on their email that they understand this. “Not to Register” is denoted on the record. (Students with extenuating circumstances may petition the Scholastic Standing Committee regarding the ability to enroll in the next full term).
- *After the last day of classes (retroactive): Students must petition the Scholastic Standing Committee (273 Chrysler Center) to receive a “W” in the course instead of a letter grade.
- Requests to drop courses after the last day of classes:
- Will be rare and discouraged.
- Only the most serious circumstances warrant dropping a course after the end of a term. In order for the SSC to grant a withdrawal at this time, some non-academic, extraordinary event (like serious illness or a severe personal disruption) must have occurred after the ninth-week (four and a half week of a half-term) drop deadline and that would make completion of a course or courses very difficult if not impossible; the SSC assumes that the student’s academic performance up to the point of the disruptive event has been satisfactory.
- Adverse circumstances occurring during most of a term generally have foreseeable consequences on performance that should be addressed by students’ seeking advice and help, by advisors and faculty reaching out to students, and when necessary through the rules for dropping courses during the term. In addition, the incomplete “I” should be the default mechanism for dealing with a disruption that arises late in the term. To review Incomplete Grading policies, see the Grades and Scholastic Standing page of the Bulletin.
- Additional documentation will need to be provided regarding the reason the petition for a late withdrawal was not submitted during the term in which the student took the courses.
- If the student wishes to withdraw from only some of the courses in the term, a clear rationale should be provided for not giving a “W” in all courses, addressing why the extenuating circumstances did not impact all work. Such partial withdrawals are approved very rarely.
- A 12-months deadline will apply to petition for retroactive withdrawal from courses from a past term.
- If a petition to late withdraw after the end of term is granted, the instructing faculty member whose grade has been changed to “W” will be notified.
- Requests to drop courses after the last day of classes:
*If you are not looking to withdraw from all courses, for information on how to submit a late course drop. You must petition the Scholastic Standing Committee to drop a class after the ninth week of a Fall term, tenth week of a Winter term, or fifth week for a half term.
Students withdrawing after the ninth-week deadline in Fall, tenth-week deadline in Winter are not eligible to enroll in the next full term. A “Not to Register” designation will be placed on their academic record. If they are already registered they will be disenrolled. (Students with extenuating circumstances may petition the Scholastic Standing Committee regarding the ability to enroll in the next full term, though note that exceptions are rarely granted). When they are eligible to return, students will need to contact the Scholastic Standing Committee to inform them of their intent to return, at which point a “Permission to Register” designation will be placed on their academic record and the registration hold will be lifted.
All students withdrawing from the College of Engineering will be asked to complete an exit survey. Tuition and fee adjustments are in accordance with the Office of the Registrar.
International students need to meet with the International Center (Central Campus: 515 E. Jefferson St.) to determine if a withdrawal will impact their visa status.
Student athletes must contact their advisor in the Academic Success Program regarding the term withdrawal.
Undergraduate Readmission
A student who is not enrolled for 12 months or more must apply for readmission through the Office of Undergraduate Recruitment, and should do so at least two months before the date of desired enrollment. Students can apply for Fall or Winter term readmission. Readmission into Spring or Summer terms will only be considered with the express approval of the appropriate advisor (Engineering Advising Center for undeclared students or the home department advisor for declared students). Readmitted students are subject to the rules in effect at the time of readmission. Students seeking readmission should email [email protected] to request an application.
Students who have graduated from the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor campus and wish to elect courses for an additional term must apply as a Non-Candidate For Degree through the Office of Undergraduate Recruitment.
A student whose enrollment has been withheld because of poor academic performance must first petition for Reinstatement to the Scholastic Standing Committee: Petitions – Engineering Center for Academic Success.
Students that are cleared through the Scholastic Standing Committee do not need to fill out the Readmission Application. Accounts are reactivated, typically, 48-72 hours after a student is cleared by the Scholastic Standing Committee.