*For more information regarding course equivalencies please refer to the Course Equivalency section, under “How to Read a Course Description“, in the CoE Bulletin Website: https://bulletin.engin.umich.edu/courses/course-info/
100 Level Courses
UARTS 150. Writing and Interdisciplinary Collaborative Design
Prerequisite: None. (4 credits)
UARTS 150: Writing and Interdisciplinary Collaborative Design – 4-credit project-based/writing course for first-year students in Living ArtsEngine (engineering students take ENGIN100.210). Instructors from five different disciplines support exploration through a collaborative video game project – a multimodal essay combining architecture, art, design, engineering, music, and writing. Fulfills FYWR and Engineering 100.
UARTS 175. Collaborative Creative Project
Prerequisite: UARTS 150 or instructor permission. (1 credit)
Teams of Living ArtsEngine students will plan, implement, execute, iterate, and deliver solutions and/or physical prototypes to open-ended interdisciplinary design challenges. Students will present their creative ideas to others and apply feedback they receive to improve their work. A portfolio-style documentation process will be used to log each team’s progress.
200 Level Courses
UARTS 250. Creative Process
Prerequisite: None. (4 credits)
Process is to de-mystify creativity for students in all U-M units and years: to teach students that creativity is not a character trait or an event, but a process — one that will challenge their sense of competence and mastery, but that they can understand and eventually master, transforming both themselves and their work.
UARTS 260. Introductory ArtsEngin Project
Prerequisite: None. (1-5 credits)
Team-based exploration of innovation, creativity and collaboration using mentored, interdisciplinary project, research, or studio work. Students from different disciplines will integrate knowledge from their previous courses, knowledge of the design, creative process or research of their respective disciplines, and professional skills (e.g., teamwork, project planning, communications, etc.).
UARTS 275. Leading Collaborative Creative Projects
Prerequisite: None. (1 credit)
Through working with teams of Living ArtsEngine students engaged in project-based activities, peer mentors will study the intellectual underpinnings of interdisciplinary systems and methods of collaboration and design processes, acquire and practice the tools and methods of project management, and develop leadership skills in the management of interdisciplinary creative teams.
UARTS 290. Special Topics in University Arts
Prerequisite: None. (1-4 credits)
Special topics of current interest selected by faculty.
300 Level Courses
UARTS 360. Intermediate ArtsEngin Project
Prerequisite: None. (1-5 credits)
Team-based exploration of innovation, creativity and collaboration using mentored, interdisciplinary project, research, or studio work. Students from different disciplines will integrate knowledge from their previous courses, knowledge of the design, creative process or research of their respective disciplines, and professional skills (e.g., teamwork, project planning, communications, etc.).
UARTS 390. Special Topics in University Arts
Prerequisite: None. (1-4 credits)
Special topics of current interest selected by faculty.
400 Level Courses
UARTS 460. Advanced ArtsEngin Project
Prerequisite: None. (1-5 credits)
Team-based exploration of innovation, creativity and collaboration using mentored, interdisciplinary project, research, or studio work. Students from different disciplines will integrate knowledge from their previous courses, knowledge of the design, creative process or research of their respective disciplines, and professional skills (e.g., teamwork, project planning, communications, etc.).
UARTS 490. Special Topics in University Arts
Prerequisite: None. (1-4 credits)
Special topics of current interest selected by faculty.
500 Level Courses
UARTS 550. Creative Process
Prerequisite: None. (4 credits)
This course provides a conceptual and experiential foundation for the cultivation of creativity within and across academic disciplines. It is designed to prepare UM students to recognize, understand, articulate, and utilize their creative abilities in their chosen field.
UARTS 560. Graduate ArtsEngin Project
Prerequisite: None. (1-5 credits)
Team-based exploration of innovation, creativity and collaboration using mentored, interdisciplinary project, research, or studio work. Students from different disciplines will integrate knowledge from their previous courses, knowledge of the design, creative process or research of their respective disciplines, and professional skills (e.g., teamwork, project planning, communications, etc.).
UARTS 590. Creative Process
Prerequisite: None. (4 credits)
Special topics of current interest selected by faculty.