Registration (Official Enrollment)
All students must register to be officially enrolled in classes. This process includes meeting with a departmental advisor (for first-year students, advising is mandatory) so that appropriate classes are selected. This is followed by the actual registration process on Wolverine Access. To be considered as full-time students, undergraduate students must enroll for a minimum of 12 hours per semester.
Completion of both the advising and registration procedures are required before a student attends any classes or uses any University facilities. The tuition and registration fees for full-time enrollment as an undergraduate student in the College of Engineering may be found on the Registrar’s website. As of the first day of class, a late registration fee of $50 will be assessed. Exceptions to the Late Registration Fee are late admissions, non-degree students, Ph.D. students registering to defend their dissertations, or students who have an official waiver based on a University action. The Late Registration Fee is increased by $25 at the beginning of each subsequent month.
Unless a student is registered, there is no obligation on the part of faculty members to permit attendance in their classes.
A student who completes the registration procedure (including early registration) and fails to attend classes must officially withdraw according to the polices outlined in the “Term Withdrawal” section of the CoE Bulletin page for Transferring Out, Withdrawals, Readmission. The student is responsible for the usual registration and disenrollment fees as stated in the current Schedule of Classes.
Students should be aware that receiving transfer, test and/or course credit can have an impact on tuition fees as tuition increases once a student reaches Upper Class Standing (55 credit hours or more). Students are responsible for reviewing their transcript when credits are posted. Credits can be removed no later than the end of the semester in which the student completes 55 or more credits. Note that credit is always posted for the term in which it was earned, not the term in which it was posted; the posting of credit can therefore have a retroactive impact on tuition owed. Current students should carefully consider this issue before asking for credit to be posted on their transcript. It is highly recommended that students consult with their academic advisor prior to requesting the removal of transfer test and/or course credit. To request credit removal, students should email [email protected] directly including in the request their UMID, specifying which transfer credit should be removed, and including a statement acknowledging that once credit is removed from their transcript it will not be reposted.
Class Standing
The number of credit hours accumulated toward graduation at the close of a given term is used to determine a student’s class standing for statistical purposes.
Questions concerning class-level designations for undergraduate students should be referred to the CoE Registrar’s Office, 145A Chrysler Center or submit an email to [email protected]:
Class | Hours | |
Lower Division | Freshman 0 to 24 | Sophomore 25 to 54 |
Upper Division | Junior 55 to 84 | Senior 85 or more |
Indebtedness to the University
Students shall pay all accounts due to the university in accordance with regulations set forth for such payments by the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. When a student’s account shows indebtedness, no transcript of academic record or diploma will be issued, nor will future registration be permitted.
7 Week Term Courses During Fall or Winter Terms (2 credits)
Begin and End dates:
- All departments will have the same begin and end dates for classes.
- For Fall and Winter Terms the first 7 week period course will begin on the regular first day of classes.
- For Fall, the second 7 week period will start at the beginning of the 8th week whenever possible.
- For Winter, the start of the second 7 week period will be the Monday immediately following Spring Break.
- Beginning days will be adjusted so that no class will begin on a Friday.
Drop/Edit Schedule: Drop/Edit periods without a “W” will end by the end of the 2nd week for both 7 week periods. The third week through the fifth week, students can submit an online late Drop/Add/Edit/Swap request through Wolverine access. Students must petition the Scholastic Standing Committee to drop or modify a class after the fifth week of a 7 week period. See the Deadlines CoE Bulletin page for further information.
Fee Adjustments: There is a two-week deadline (coinciding with Drop/Edit (Modify) deadlines) for fee adjustments. Documentation is needed for fee adjustments after the deadline. Fee adjustments are finalized through the University of Michigan Registrar’s Office.
Important Note: Students should register for the second 7 week period classes during the normal full-term registration period.
Add/Drop/Edit/Swap & Course Withdrawals
Updated deadlines regarding Course Withdrawals and the usage of the Add/Drop/Edit/Swap system may be viewed on the Undergraduate Drop/Edit Deadlines page of the CoE Bulletin.