*For more information regarding course equivalencies please refer to the Course Equivalency section, under “How to Read a Course Description“, in the CoE Bulletin Website: https://bulletin.engin.umich.edu/courses/course-info/
Automotive Engineering Courses
400 Level Courses
AUTO 499. Special Topics in Automotive Engineering
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (3 credits)
Selected topics pertinent to Automotive Engineering. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
500 Level Courses
AUTO 501. Integrated Vehicle Systems Design
Prerequisite: Graduate student or permission of instructor. (3 credits)
This course is intended to examine the process by which a first layout is developed for a new vehicle platform. The course will focus on the layout of the major space-defining vehicle subsystems required to arrive at a preliminary vehicle package drawing. The process followed will be based on systems engineering: requirements-to-design concepts-to-performance prediction-to-comparison to requirements-to-iteration. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
AUTO 503. Automotive Engineering Project
Prerequisite: Permission of the department. (3 credits)
As an essential component of the Master of Engineering in Automotive Engineering program, students are required to participate in a sponsored project in automotive engineering. The intent of this project course is to provide students with a capstone project experience where they can apply the knowledge and skills acquired to relevant automotive engineering problems. Each project must have a clearly defined problem or need and a solution methodology. The project must provide value-add to the sponsor. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
AUTO 512. Lean Program Engineering
Prerequisite: Graduate student or permission of the instructor. (3 credits)
This course provides an opportunity to acquire and demonstrate mastery of critical lean product design engineering disciplines within the context of an automotive vehicle program team. The course identifies and integrates engineering skills, tools, and processes required for successful automotive vehicle project planning and completion consistent with lean product development principles. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
AUTO 514 (ISD 514). Vehicle Crashworthiness and Occupant Protection
Advisory Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of finite element analysis. (3 credits)
General procedures and state-of-the-art tools to evaluate vehicle crash safety. Application of fundamental principles to interpret injury mechanisms, safety concerns, and design benefits in different types of crashes. Assessment of safety systems using finite element crash simulations. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
AUTO 533 (MECHENG 433). Advanced Energy Solutions
Prerequisite: MECHENG 235. (3 credits)
Introduction to the challenges of power generation for a global society using the thermodynamics to understand basic principles and technology limitations. Covers current and future demands for energy; methods of power generation including fossil fuel, solar, wind and nuclear; associated detrimental by-products; and advanced strategies to improve power densities, efficiencies and emissions. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
AUTO 541 (ISD 541). Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics
Prerequisite: None. (3 credits)
Provides an overview of all major aspects of Vehicle Dynamics from longitudinal accelerations/moments to combined longitudinal, lateral and vertical accelerations/moments. Students will use state of the art simulation software to experiment with driver inputs and vehicle parameters to achieve the lowest time and lowest accelerations that relate to occupant comfort for a driving course. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
AUTO 542 (MECHENG 542). Vehicle Dynamics
Advisory Prerequisite: MECHENG 440 or 540. (3 credits)
This course focuses on the dynamics and control of road vehicles. Dynamical models of automobiles and trucks are constructed and analyzed. Controllers are designed for driver assistance and vehicle automation. Topics include: longitudinal vehicle dynamics; cruise control and adaptive cruise control; ride dynamics; passive and active suspension design; nonholonomic dynamics of rolling; kinematic and dynamic bicycle models of automobile steering; lane-keeping control; motion planning for automated vehicles, longitudinal and lateral tire models; vehicle handing with tires. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
AUTO 562 (ISD 562). Modeling Analysis of Vehicle Systems
Advisory Prerequisite: MECHENG 350 & MECHENG 240. Basic thermo, MATLAB/Simulink, grad standing, trans func, freq. (3 credits)
Basic functionality of vehicle subsystems and domain specific modeling and analysis tools will be introduced. Propulsion system: Engine (breathing and thermodynamics), clutch, transmission and gears. Vehicle performance criteria, real world driving behavior, fuel economy and emission regulation. Braking systems & Vehicle Dynamics. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
AUTO 563. Dynamics and Controls of Automatic Transmissions
Prerequisite: Graduate student or permission of instructor. (3 credits)
Automatic transmission is a key element of automotive vehicles for improved driving comfort. This course will introduce the mechanisms, design and control of modern transmission systems. The emphasis will be on the dynamic analysis, and the application of modern control theories for the overall control design, analysis and synthesis problems. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
AUTO 566 (MECHENG 566). Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Prerequisite: MECHENG 438 and MECHENG 461 or equivalent is recommended. (3 credits)
Modeling, analysis and control of vehicles with electrified propulsion systems, including electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, plug-in and fuel cell vehicles. Introduction of the concepts and technology, the state of the art development, energy conversion and storage options, modeling, analysis, system integration and basic principles of vehicle controls. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
AUTO 590. Study of Research in Selected AUTO topics.
Prerequisite: None. (1-3 credits)
Individualized study of specialized aspects/topics of Automotive Engineering. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
AUTO 599. Special Topics in Automotive Engineering
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. (3 credits)
Selected topics pertinent to Automotive Engineering. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
Design Science Courses
500 Level Courses
DESCI 501. Analytical Product Design
Advisory Prerequisite: Graduate standing. (3 credits)
The design of artifacts is addressed from the multidisciplinary perspective that includes engineering, art, psychology, marketing, and economics. Using a decision-making framework, emphasis is places on understanding basic quantitative methods employed by the different disciplines for making design decisions, building mathematical models, and accounting for interdisciplinary interactions throughout the design and development process. Students work in teams to apply the methods on design project from concept generation to prototyping and design verification. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
DESCI 502. Design Process Models
Advisory Prerequisite: DESCI 501 or Permission of Instructor. (3 credits)
Interaction and coordination of decisions based on multi-discipline design analyses is studied in the context of a newly developed artifact. Innovation and creativity are addressed as elements of the design process. Enterprise design decisions made on functionality and business criteria are analyzed within organizational, cultural and social models. Students propose and test novel analysis methods and design process models. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
DESCI 590. Directed Design Research
Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. (3-6 credits)
Students conduct independent practicum project integrating core design course material under direction of approved faculty or industrial mentor. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
DESCI 599. Special Problems
Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. (3 credits)
Special topics course for DESCI students. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
700 Level Courses
DESCI 790. Design Science Colloquium
Advisory Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. (1-4 credits)
Topics on Design Science are presented by doctoral candidates and by invited speakers across campus and from outside the University. The aim of the colloquium is to aid in identifying appropriate dissertation topics. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
DESCI 791. Design Science Seminar
Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. (1-2 credits)
Topics on Design Science are presented by doctoral candidates with an emphasis on interdisciplinary scholarship and students’ own research projects. The aim of the seminar is to build community, discuss recent journal papers related to Design Science, and provide an opportunity for students to discuss their own research. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
900 Level Courses
DESCI 990. Dissertation/Pre-candidate
Advisory Prerequisite: Permission of advisor. (1-8 credits)
Dissertation work by doctoral student not yet admitted to status as candidate. The defense of the dissertation, that is, the final oral examination, must be held under a full-term candidacy enrollment. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
DESCI 995. Dissertation/Pre-candidate
Advisory Prerequisite: Graduate School authorization for admission as a doctoral candidate. (4-8 credits)
Election for dissertation work by a doctoral student who has been admitted to candidate status. The defense of the dissertation, that is, the final oral examination, must be held under a full-term candidacy enrollment. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
Energy Systems Engineering Courses
500 Level Courses
ESENG 501. Seminars on Energy Systems, Technology and Policy
Prerequisite: Graduate student or permission by instructor. (3 credits)
This course is intended to provide students with an understanding the critical issues in energy technologies. Researchers, industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and policymakers discuss technology, policy and economic drivers for sustainable global energy systems. Students complete homework assignments and a term paper on an energy-themed subject. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
ESENG 503. Energy Systems Engineering Project
Prerequisite: ESENG 501. (3 credits)
This required project course is intended to provide students with a relevant experience in energy systems. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
ESENG 505 (MECHENG 571). Energy Generation and Storage Using Modern Materials
Prerequisite: MECHENG 382 and MECHENG 335 or equivalents. (3 credits)
Energy and power densities previously unattainable in environmentally-friendly energy technologies have been achieved through use of novel materials. Insertion of new materials into power supplies has changed the landscape of options. Design strategies for power systems are described, in the context of growing global demand for power and energy. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
ESENG 532 (ISD 532, RCNSCI 419, PUBPOL 519). Sustainable Energy Systems
Advisory Prerequisite: Senior standing, college level course in math, economics or physical science. (3 credits)
Examines the production and consumption of energy from a systems perspective. Students will examine sustainability by studying global and regional environmental impacts, economics, energy efficiency, consumption patterns and energy policy. The physics of energy and energy accounting methods are introduce, followed by the current energy system that encompasses resource extraction, conversion processes and end-uses. Responses to current challenges such as declining fossil fuels and climate change are then explored, including unconventional fossil fuels, carbon sequestration, emerging technologies (e.g., renewable sources: biomass, wind, and photovoltaics; fuel cells) and end-use efficiency/conservation. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
ESENG 590. Study or Research in ESENG Topics
Prerequisite: None. (1-3 credits)
Individualized study of specialized aspects/topics of Energy Systems Engineering. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
ESENG 599. Special Topics in Energy Systems Engineering
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. (3 credits)
Selected topics pertinent to the Energy Systems Engineering program. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
Integrative Systems + Design Courses
500 Level Courses
ISD 503. Integrative Systems + Design Practicum
Prerequisite: ISD 520. (3-9 credits)
The Practicum is a project course providing students with an integrative capstone experience where they apply knowledge and skills acquired from coursework to a complex engineering system design problem. Each project must have clearly defined goals and deliverables, and provide a solution methodology. A comprehensive project report is required at completion. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
ISD 514 (AUTO 514). Vehicle Crashworthiness and Occupant Protection
Advisory Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of finite element analysis. (3 credits)
General procedures and state-of-the-art tools to evaluate vehicle crash safety. Application of fundamental principles to interpret injury mechanisms, safety concerns, and design benefits in different types of crashes. Assessment of safety systems using finite element crash simulations. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
ISD 520. Introduction to Systems Engineering
Prerequisite: Graduate student. Advisory Prerequisite: Background in multivariate calculus and statistics necessary. (3 credits)
Introduction to the systems engineering process used to create multidisciplinary solutions to complex problems with multiple, often conflicting objectives; application to large developmental programs from such diverse areas as civil engineering and transportation, space and missiles, ships and land vehicle systems. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
ISD 521. Development and Verification of Systems Design Requirements
Advisory Prerequisite: Basic statistical distributions. (3 credits)
Requirements and contracts, systems and verification requirements, levels of confidence on verification requirements. Verification by inspection, demonstration, analysis, simulation, testing and similarity methods. Needs and development of mission requirements. Use case analysis. Balancing stakeholder requirements with feasibility and verifiability. Applications in automotive, aerospace, defense and software. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
ISD 522. Systems Engineering Architecture and Design
Advisory Prerequisite: ISD 520, ISD 521, DESCI 501, DESCI 502. (3 credits)
Lean systems engineering from systems architecting through systems embodiment. Students will be
formed into product development teams of between 3-6 students to design a human powered enclosed vehicle. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
ISD 527 (MFG 527). Systems Engineering Architecture and Design
Advisory Prerequisite: Basic statistical distribution & models, product development proc & des experiment (3 credits).
Methods and analysis tools for preventing quality and warranty concerns. Applying the Design for Six Sigma Quality methodology to identify/define, design new systems, optimize, and validate. Using the IDDOV framework to examine tools and methods for identifying customer requirements, evaluating design concepts, and optimizing processes to meet quality objectives. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
ISD 528. Advanced Design for Manufacturability
Advisory Prerequisite: MECHENG 350. (3 credits)
The foci of this course are the study of systematic methods in product design that improve overall quality and cost and implementing these methods by redesigning a product and demonstrating the resulting improvements. The course covers conceptual design, design for economical production, Taguchi methods, design for assembly , product design using advanced polymeric materials and composites, part consolidation, snap-fit assemblies, and novel applications. It is built around a team project that applies course lectures to a product redesign. Advanced concepts for enhancing manufacturability of products will be covered in certain lectures and homework assignments. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
ISD 532 (ESENG 532, RCNSCI 419, PUBPOL 519). Sustainable Energy Systems
Advisory Prerequisite: Senior standing, college level course in math, economics or physical science. (3 credits)
Examines the production and consumption of energy from a systems perspective. Students will examine sustainability by studying global and regional environmental impacts, economics, energy efficiency, consumption patterns and energy policy. The physics of energy and energy accounting methods are introduce, followed by the current energy system that encompasses resource extraction, conversion processes and end-uses. Responses to current challenges such as declining fossil fuels and climate change are then explored, including unconventional fossil fuels, carbon sequestration, emerging technologies (e.g., renewable sources: biomass, wind, and photovoltaics; fuel cells) and end-use efficiency/conservation. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
ISD 541 (AUTO 541). Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics
Prerequisite: None. (3 credits)
Provides an overview of all major aspects of Vehicle Dynamics from longitudinal accelerations/moments to combined longitudinal, lateral and vertical accelerations/moments. Students will use state of the art simulation software to experiment with driver inputs and vehicle parameters to achieve the lowest time and lowest accelerations that relate to occupant comfort for a driving course. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
ISD 546 (MECHENG 545, CEE 577). Dynamics and Control of Connected Vehicles
Prerequisite: None. Advised Prerequisite: MECHENG 360. (3 credits)
Ordinary differential equations and delay differential equations are used for modeling connected vehicle systems, which consist of human-driven vehicles and automated vehicles. Controllers are designed to improve stability, safety, energy efficiency, and traffic flow. Students will use experimental data to design controllers and evaluate those via numerical simulations. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
ISD 555 (MFG 555, MECHENG 555). Design Optimization
Advisory Prerequisite: MATH 451 and MATH 217 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Mathematical modeling of engineering design problems for optimization. Boundedness and monotonicity analysis of models. Differential optimization theory and selected numerical algorithms for continuous nonlinear models. Emphasis on the interaction between proper modeling and computation. Students propose design term projects from various disciplines and apply course methodology to optimize designs.. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
ISD 565 (MECHENG 565). Battery Systems and Control
Advisory Prerequisite: ME 360 or equivalent. Advised Co-requisite: ME 461 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Battery modeling, control and diagnostic methodologies associated to battery electric and battery hybrid electric vehicles. Emphasis on system-level modeling, model order reduction from micro-scale to macro-scale and surrogate models for load control, estimation, on-board identification and diagnostics for Lithium Ion batteries. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
ISD 562 (AUTO 562). Modeling Analysis of Vehicle Systems
Advisory Prerequisite: MECHENG 350 & MECHENG 240. Basic thermo, MATLAB/Simulink, grad standing, trans func, freq. (3 credits)
Basic functionality of vehicle subsystems and domain specific modeling and analysis tools will be introduced. Propulsion system: Engine (breathing and thermodynamics), clutch, transmission and gears. Vehicle performance criteria, real world driving behavior, fuel economy and emission regulation. Braking systems & Vehicle Dynamics. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
ISD 585 (MFG 585) (MECHENG 585). Machining and Machine Tools
Advisory Prerequisite: MECHENG 382 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Provides the knowledge of traditional and non-traditional machining processes as well as modeling and experimental analysis methods for machining. Topics include: the single point, multiple point and abrasive machining processes; machine tools; cutting tools, mechanics, temperatures, and dynamics; electrical discharge, chemical, energy-based, and biomedical machining. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
ISD 590. Directed Study and Research
Prerequisite: None. (1-3 credits)
Individualized study of specialized topics in Integrative Systems + Design. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
ISD 599. Special Topics in ISD
Prerequisite: See individual department requirements; permission of instructor. (1-4 credits)
Special topics in Integrative Systems and Design. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
Manufacturing Courses
400 Level Courses
MFG 402 (MECHENG 401). Statistical Quality Control and Design
Prerequisite: Senior or graduate standing. (3 credits)
Evolution of quality method. Fundamentals of statistics. Process Behavior over time. Concept of statistical process control (SPC). Design and interpretation of control charts. Process capability study. Tolerance. Measurement system analysis. Correlation. Independent t-test and paired t-test. Design and analysis of two-level factorial experiments. Fractional factorial experiments. Response model building. Taguchi Methods. Case studies. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 410 (NAVARCH 410). Marine Structures II
Prerequisite: NAVARCH 310. (4 credits)
Structural modeling and analysis techniques applied to ship and marine structural components. Equilibrium and energy methods applied to elastic beam theory; static bi-axial bending, torsion and buckling. Shear flow in multicell cross sections. Stiffened and composite plates. Plastic analysis of beams and plates. Structural limit states and introduction to structural reliability. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 426 (IOE 425). Manufacturing Strategies
Prerequisite: Senior standing. (2 credits)
Review of philosophies, systems, and practices utilized by world-class manufacturing and services organizations focusing on “lean management,” including material and information flow, in-process quality assurance, standardized work, continuous improvement, visual management, and learn leadership. Practical examples and in-class exercises bring concepts to life. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 440 (IOE 440). Operations Analysis and Management
Prerequisite: IOE 310 and 316 or graduate standing. No credit granted for students who have credit for TO 605. (3 credits)
Principles and models for analyzing, engineering, and managing manufacturing and service operations as well as supply chains. Emphasis on capacity management; queuing models of operational dynamics (including cycle time, work-in-progress, inventory, throughput, and variability); operational flexibility; the math and physics of lean enterprises. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 441 (IOE 441). Production and Inventory Control
Prerequisite: IOE 310, IOE 316. (3 credits)
Basic models and techniques for managing inventory systems and for planning production. Topics include deterministic and probabilistic inventory models; production planning and scheduling; and introduction to factory physics. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 447 (IOE 447). Facility Planning
Prerequisite: IOE 310, IOE 316. (3 credits)
Fundamentals in developing efficient layouts for single-story and multi-story production and service facilities. Manual procedures and microcomputer-based layout algorithms. Algorithms to determine the optimum location of facilities. Special considerations for multi-period, dynamic layout problems. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 452 (MECHENG 452). Design for Manufacturability
Prerequisite: MECHENG 350. (3 credits)
Study of systematic methods in product design which improve overall quality and cost. Methods include analysis of customer needs, function analysis, product architecture, material and process selection, design for assembly, robust design, and Taguchi methods. A course project to implement the methods by redesigning a product is required. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 453 (MECHENG 451). Properties of Advanced Materials for Design Engineers
Prerequisite: MECHENG 382. (3 credits)
Mechanical behavior and environmental degradation of polymeric-, metal-, and ceramic-matrix composites; manufacturability of advanced engineering materials; use of composite materials in novel engineering designs. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 455 (IOE 452). Corporate Finance
Prerequisite: IOE 201, IOE 310, IOE 366. (3 credits)
The goal of this course is to introduce a basic understanding of financial management. The course develops fundamental models of valuation and investment from first principles and applies them to problems of corporate and individual decision-making. The topics of discussion will include the net present valuation, optimal portfolio selection, risk and investment analysis, issuing securities, capital structure with debt financing and real options. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 456 (IOE 453). Derivative Instruments
Prerequisite: IOE 201, IOE 310, IOE 366. Credit not granted for both IOE 453/MFG 456 and MATH 423. (3 credits)
The main objectives of the course are first, to provide the students with a thorough understanding of the theory of pricing derivatives in the absence of arbitrage, and second, to develop the mathematical and numerical tools necessary to calculate derivative security prices. We begin by exploring the implications of the absence of static arbitrage. We study, for instance, forward and futures contracts. We proceed to develop the implications of no arbitrage in dynamic trading models: the binomial and Black-Scholes models. The theory is applied to hedging and risk management. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 458 (MATSCIE 485). Design Problems in Materials Science and Engineering
Prerequisite: MATSCIE 480. (1-4 credits) (to be arranged)
The design of production and refining systems for engineering materials. Design of problems for the extraction and refining of metals, production and processing of ceramics, polymeric materials, and electronic materials. Written and oral presentation of solutions to processing design problems. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 461 (IOE 461). Quality Engineering Principles and Analysis
Prerequisite: IOE 366. (3 credits)
This course provides students with the analytical and management tools necessary to solve manufacturing quality problems and implement effective quality systems. Topics include voice of the customer analysis, the Six Sigma problem solving methodology, process capability analysis, measurement system analysis, design of experiments, statistical process control, failure mode and effects analysis, quality function deployment, and reliability analysis. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 462 (NAVARCH 461). Marine Structures Construction
Prerequisite: None. Advisory Prerequisite: NAVARCH 310. (3 credits)
Principles and applications of modular construction and assembly, major manufacturing processes, thermo- mechanical Interactions and contributions to quality and dimensional accuracy, accuracy control methods and practices. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 463 (IOE 463). Measurement and Design of Work
Prerequisite: IOE 333 or IOE 395 or BIOMEDE 231 and IOE 265 and STATS 412. (3 credits)
Design of lean manufacturing systems requires knowledge and skills for describing manual work, identifying value and non-value added work elements, designing efficient work equipment and methods, preventing fatigue and related worker health problems and predicting work performance. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 466 (IOE 466) (Stat 466). Statistical Quality Control
Prerequisite: IOE 265 (Stat 265 and IOE 366 or Stat 401). (3 credits)
Quality Improvement Philosophies; Modeling Process Quality, Statistical Process Control, Control Charts for Variables and Attributes, CUSUM and EWMA, Short Production Runs, Multivariate Quality Control, Auto Correlation, Engineering Process Control, Economic Design of Charts, Fill Control, Precontrol, Adaptive Schemes, Process Capability, Specifications and Tolerances, Gage Capability Studies, Acceptance Sampling by Attributes and Variables, International Quality Standards. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 470 (NAVARCH 470). Foundations of Ship Design
Prerequisite: NAVARCH 321, NAVARCH 332, NAVARCH 340, co-requisite: NAVARCH 310. (4 credits)
Organization of ship design. Preliminary design methods for sizing and form; powering, maneuvering, and seakeeping estimation; arranging; propulsion; structural synthesis; and safety and environmental risk of ships. Extensive use of design computer environment. Given owner’s requirements, students individually create and report the conceptual/preliminary design for a displacement ship. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 480 (MATSCIE 480). Materials and Engineering Design
Prerequisite: Senior standing. (3 credits)
Design concepts. Engineering economics. Problems of scaling. Materials substitution. Competitive processes. Case histories. Professional and ethical considerations. Written and oral presentations of solutions to design problems. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 488 (MECHENG 487). Welding
Prerequisite: MECHENG 382. (3 credits)
Study of the mechanism of surface bonding, welding metallurgy, effect of rate of heat input on resulting microstructures, residual stresses and distortion, economics and capabilities of the various processes. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 492 (MECHENG 482). Machining Processes
Prerequisite: Senior standing. (3 credits)
Introduction to machining operations. Cutting tools and tool wear mechanisms. Cutting forces and mechanics of machining. Machining process simulation. Surface generation. Temperatures of the tool and workplace. Machining dynamics. Non-traditional machining. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 499. Special Topics (to be specified by department)
(to be arranged) CourseProfile (ATLAS)
500 Level Courses
MFG 501. Topics in Global Operations
Prerequisite: Restricted to Tauber Institute Students (1.5 credits)
This course is intended to provide students with an overview of a broad range of operations-related topics including corporate strategy, lean production systems, supply chain management, design for manufacturability, facilities planning, the environment, legal, and ethical issues in operation, and product design. Students learn how they may apply to Tauber team projects. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 502. Manufacturing Systems Design
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. (3 credits)
Manufacturing system design methodologies and procedures. Topics: paradigms of manufacturing; building blocks of manufacturing systems; numerical control and robotics; task allocation and line balancing; system configurations; performance of manufacturing systems including quality, productivity, and responsiveness; economic models and optimization of manufacturing systems; launch and reconfiguration of manufacturing systems; Lean manufacturing. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 503. Manufacturing Project
Prerequisite: MFG 502. (3 credits)
This project course is intended to provide students with an industrially-relevant team project experience in manufacturing. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 504. Tauber Institute Project
Prerequisite: Must be enrolled in Tauber Institute Program and MFG 501. (3 credits)
Tauber Institute students will participate in the required Team Project, which is a multidisciplinary internship. In preparation, students will refine their communications, team building, and project management skills through specialized seminars. Upon completion, each student will perform an advanced analysis of the project results under the supervision of UM faculty. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 513 (MECHENG 513). Automotive Body Structures
Prerequisite: MECHENG 311. (3 credits)
Emphasis is on body concept for design using first order modeling of thin walled structural elements. Practical application of solid/structural mechanics is considered to design automotive bodies for global bending, torsion, vibration, crashworthiness, topology, material selection, packaging, and manufacturing constraints. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 514 (MacroSE 514) (MATSCIE 514). Composite Materials
Prerequisite: MATSCIE 220 or 250. (3 credits)
Behavior, processing and design of composite materials, especially fiber composites. Emphasis is on the basic chemical and physical processes currently employed and expected to guide the future development of the technology. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 517 (CHE 517). Biopharmaceutical Engineering
Advisory Prerequisite: BIO 172 or equivalent AND CHE 330 or BIOMEDE 221 or CHEM 230, or graduate standing or enrollment in PharmD program. (3 credits)
Covers fundamental concepts essential for the discovery, development and characterization of biopharmaceuticals. Topics include basic immunology, molecular biology and cloning, in vitro protein library generation and screening, antibody discovery and engineering, biophysical characterization, and protein expression and purification. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 518. Composite Materials: Mechanics, Manufacturing, and Design
Prerequisite: Senior or graduate standing. (3 credits)
Composite materials, including naturally occurring substances such as wood and bone, and engineered materials from concrete to carbon-fiber reinforced epoxies. Development of micromechanical models for a variety of constitutive laws. Link between processing and as-manufactured properties through coupled fluid and structural analyses. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 527 (ISD 527). Systems Engineering Architecture and Design
Advisory Prerequisite: Basic statistical distribution & models, product development proc & des experiment. (3 credits)
Methods and analysis tools for preventing quality and warranty concerns. Applying the Design for Six Sigma Quality methodology to identify/define, design new systems, optimize, and validate. Using the IDDOV framework to examine tools and methods for identifying customer requirements, evaluating design concepts, and optimizing processes to meet quality objectives. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 534 (BIOMEDE 534) (IOE 534). Occupational Biomechanics
Prerequisite: IOE 333, IOE 334 or IOE 433. (3 credits)
Anatomical and physiological concepts are introduced to understand and predict human motor capabilities, with particular emphasis on the evaluation and design of manual activities in various occupations. Quantitative models are developed to explain (1) muscle strength performance, (2) cumulative and acute musculoskeletal injury, (3) physical fatigue, and (4) human motion control. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 535 (IOE 533). Human Motor Behavior and Engineering Systems
Prerequisite: IOE 333 and IOE 366. (3 credits)
This course is designed to provide a basic perspective of the major processes of human motor behavior. Emphasis will be placed on understanding motor control and man-(Machine)-environment interaction. Information processing will be presented and linked to motor behavior. Applications of theories to the design of workplace, controls and tools will be underlined and illustrated by substantial examples. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 536 (CEE 536). Project Planning Scheduling and Control
Prerequisite: Senior or Graduate Standing. (3 credits)
Project planning and scheduling with arrow and precedence networks using the Critical Path Method (CPM). Advanced scheduling using overlapping networks. Project control, C/SCSC and earned-value systems. Scheduling under uncertainty, PERT, PNET, and Monte-Carlo simulation. Time-cost tradeoff, resource allocation, and resource leveling. Scheduling using the Repetitive Scheduling Method (RSM). CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 539 (IOE 539). Safety Engineering Methods
Prerequisite: IOE 265 or BIOSTAT 500. (3 credits)
Recognition, evaluation and control of generic safety hazards (confined spaces, electricity, fire, mechanical energy, etc.) found in contemporary workplaces, using case studies from manufacturing, transportation and power generation. Students perform an interdisciplinary team project using systems safety engineering methods to redesign a work station, manufacturing process or consumer product. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 541 (IOE 541). Inventory Analysis and Control
Prerequisite: IOE 310, IOE 316. (3 credits)
Models and techniques for managing inventory systems and for planning production. Topics include single item and multi-item inventory models, production planning and control, and performance evaluation of manufacturing systems. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 543 (IOE 543). Scheduling
Prerequisite: IOE 316 and IOE 310. (3 credits)
The problems that come with scheduling several tasks over time, including the topics of measures of performance, single-machine sequencing, flow shop scheduling, the job shop problem, and priority dispatching. Integer programming, dynamic programming, and heuristic approaches to various problems are presented. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 545 (IOE 545). Queue Networks
Prerequisite: IOE 515 or EECS 501. (3 credits)
Introduction to queuing networks. Topics include product and non-product form networks, exact results and approximations, queuing networks with blocking, and polling systems. Applications from manufacturing and service industries are given as examples. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 549 (IOE 549). Plant Flow Systems
Prerequisite: IOE 310, IOE 416. (3 credits)
Analytical models for the design and throughput performance evaluation of material handling systems used in discrete parts flow production facilities. Analysis of design and control issues for manual and automated handling systems including lift trucks, micro-load automatic storage/retrieval systems and automated guided vehicle systems. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 552 (MECHENG 552). Mechatronic Systems Design
Prerequisite: MECHENG 350, MECHENG 360, EECS 314 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Mechatronics is the synergistic integration of mechanical disciplines, controls, electronics and computers in design of high-performance systems. Case studies, hands-on lab exercises and hardware design projects cover the practical aspects of machine design, multi-domain systems modeling, sensors, actuators, drives, circuits, simulation tools, DAQ and controls implementation using microprocessors. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 553 (MECHENG 553). Microelectromechanical Systems
Prerequisite: Senior or Graduate Standing. (3 credits)
Basic integrated circuit (IC) manufacturing processes; electronics devices fundamentals; microelectromechanical systems fabrications including surface micromachining, bulk micromachining, LIGA and others. Introduction to microactuators and microsensors such as micromotors, grippers, accelerometers and pressure sensors. Mechanical and electrical issues in micromachining. IC CAD tools to design microelectromechanical structures using MCNC MUMPs service. Design projects. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 554. Computer Aided Design Methods
Advisory Prerequisite: MFG 454. (3 credits)
Generalized Mathematical modeling of engineering systems, methods of solution and simulation languages. Analysis methods in design; load, deformation, stress finite element considerations; nonlinear programming. Computational geometry, definition and generation of curves and surfaces. Computer graphics; transformations, clipping and windowing; graphics systems; data structures; command languages; display processors. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 555 (MECHENG 555, ISD 555). Design Optimization
Advisory Prerequisite: Math 451 and Math 217 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Mathematical modeling of engineering design problems for optimization. Boundedness and monotonicity analysis of models. Differential optimization theory and selected numerical algorithms for continuous nonlinear models. Emphasis on the interaction between proper modeling and computation. Students propose design term projects from various disciplines and apply course methodology to optimize designs. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 556 (MECHENG 576). Fatigue in Mechanical Design
Prerequisite: MECHENG 382 or equivalent. (3 credits)
A broad treatment of stress, strain, and strength with reference to engineering design and analysis. Major emphasis is placed on the analytical and experimental determination of stresses in relationship to the fatigue strength properties of machine and structural components. Also considered are deflection, post-yield behavior, residual stresses, temperature and corrosion effects. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 558 (MECHENG 558). Discrete Design Optimization
Prerequisite: Senior or Graduate Standing. (3 credits)
Fundamentals of discrete optimization for engineering design problems. Mathematical modeling of engineering design problems as discrete optimization problems, integer programming, dynamic programming, graph search algorithms, and introduction to NP completeness. A term project emphasizes applications to realistic engineering design problems. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 559 (MECHENG 559). Smart Materials and Structures
Prerequisite: EECS 314 or equivalent. (3 credits)
This course will cover theoretical aspects of smart materials, sensors and actuator technologies. It will also cover design, modeling and manufacturing issues involved in integrating smart materials and components with control capabilities to engineering smart structures. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 560 (MECHENG 551). Mechanisms Design
Prerequisite: MECHENG 350. (3 credits)
Basic concepts. Type synthesis – creative design of mechanisms; graph theory. Precision-point Burmester theory for dimensional synthesis of linkages. Applications. Cam and follower system synthesis. Joint force analysis and dynamic analysis formulations. Analytical synthesis of programmable and compliant mechanisms. Use of software for synthesis and analysis. Design projects. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 561 (IOE 565) (MECHENG 563). Time Series Modeling, Analysis, Forecasting
Prerequisite: IOE 366 or MECHENG 401. (3 credits)
Time series modeling, analysis, forecasting, and control, identifying parametric time series, autovariance, spectra, Green’s function, trend and seasonality. Examples from manufacturing, quality control, ergonomics, inventory, and management. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 562 (MECHENG 560). Modeling Dynamic Systems
Prerequisite: MECHENG 360. (3 credits)
A unified approach to the modeling, analysis and simulation of energetic dynamic systems. Emphasis on analytical and graphical descriptions of state-determined systems using Bond Graph language. Analysis using interactive computer simulation programs. Applications to the control and design of dynamic systems such as robots, machine tools and artificial limbs. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 563 (NAVARCH 562). Marine Systems Production Business Strategy and Operations Management
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor or graduate standing. (3 credits)
Examination of business strategy development, operations management principles and methods, and design-production Integration methods applied to the production of complex marine systems such as ships, offshore structures, and yachts. Addresses shipyard and boat yard business and product strategy definition, operations planning and scheduling, performance measurement, process control and Improvement. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 567 (EECS 567) (MECHENG 567). Robot Kinematics and Dynamics
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. (3 credits)
Geometry, kinematics, differential kinematics, dynamics, and control of robot manipulators. The mathematical tools required to describe spatial motion of a rigid body will be presented in full. Motion planning including obstacle avoidance is also covered. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 571 (NAVARCH 571). Ship Design Project
Prerequisite: Prior arrangement with instructor. (credit(s) to be arranged)
Individual (or team) project, experimental work, research or directed study of selected advanced topics in ship design. Primarily for graduate students. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 572 (NAVARCH 570). Advanced Marine Design
Prerequisite: Graduate Standing required. (4 credits)
Organization of marine product development; concurrent marine design. Shipbuilding policy and build strategy development. Group behaviors; leadership and facilitation of design teams. General theories and approaches to design. Conceptual design of ships and offshore projects. Nonlinear programming, multicriteria optimization, and genetic algorithms applied to marine design. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 574. Global Product Development
Prerequisite: Graduate standing. (3 credits)
A project based course in which each (global) student team comprising students from three universities will be responsible for development of a product for the global market. Teams will use collaboration technology tools extensively. Several case studies on global product development will be presented and follow-up lectures will focus on the issues highlighted. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 575 (NAVARCH 575). Computer-Aided Marine Design Project
Prerequisite: None. (2-6 credits), (to be arranged)
Development of computer-aided design tools. Projects consisting of formulation, design, programming, testing, and documentation of programs for marine design and constructional use. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 577 (MATSCIE 577). Failure Analysis of Materials
Prerequisite: MATSCIE 350. (3 credits)
Analysis of failed structures due to tensile overload, creep, fatigue, stress corrosion, wear and abrasion, with extensive use of scanning electron microscope. Identification and role of processing defects in failure. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 578 (NAVARCH 580). Optimization and Management of Marine Systems
Prerequisite: None. (4 credits)
Optimization methods (linear, integer, nonlinear, deterministic and stochastic sequential optimization) concepts and applications in the operations of marine systems. Elements of maritime management. Risk analysis and utility theory. Fleet deployment optimization for major ocean shipping segments. Forecasting concepts and applications to shipping and shipbuilding decisions. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 579 (NAVARCH 582). Reliability and Safety of Marine Systems
Prerequisite: EECS 401 or Math 425 or Stat 412. (3 credits)
Brief review of probability and statistics. Mathematical methods of reliability analysis for systems with or without repairs. Reliability, availability, maintenance, replacement, and repair decisions. Safety and risk analysis. Risk assessment methods and case studies. FMEA, fault tree and event tree analysis. Marine, Automotive, Manufacturing, Health Care and other applications. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 580 (MECHENG 572). Rheology and Fracture
Prerequisite: MECHENG 382. (3 credits)
Mechanisms of deformation, cohesion, and fracture of matter. Unified approach to the atomic-scale origins of plastic, viscous, viscoelastic, elastic, and anelastic behavior. The influences of time and temperature on behavior. Stress field of edge and screw dislocations, dislocation interactions, and cross slip. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 584 (MECHENG 584). Advanced Mechatronics for Manufacturing
Prerequisite: ME 461 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Theoretical principles and practical techniques for controlling mechatronic systems are taught in the context of advanced manufacturing applications. Specifically, the electro-mechanical design/modeling, basic/advanced control, and real-time motion generation techniques for computer-controlled manufacturing machines are studied. Hands-on labs and industrial case studies are used to re-enforce the course material. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 585 (MECHENG 585) (ISD 585). Machining and Machine Tools
Advisory Prerequisite: MECHENG 382 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Provides the knowledge of traditional and non-traditional machining processes as well as modeling and experimental analysis methods for machining. Topics include: the single point, multiple point and abrasive machining processes; machine tools; cutting tools, mechanics, temperatures, and dynamics; electrical discharge, chemical, energy-based, and biomedical machining.. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 587 (MECHENG 587). Global Manufacturing
Prerequisite: One 500-level MFG, DES or BUS class. (3 credits)
Globalization and manufacturing paradigms. Product-process-business integration. Product invention strategy. Customized, personalized and reconfigurable products. Mass production and lean production. Mathematical analysis of mass customization. Traditional manufacturing systems. Reconfigurable manufacturing systems. Reconfigurable machines. System configuration analysis. Responsive business models. Enterprise globalization strategies. The global integrated enterprise. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 588 (MECHENG 588) (IOE 588). Assembly Modeling for Design and Manufacturing
Prerequisite: MECHENG 381 and 401 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Assembly as product and process. Assembly representation. Assembly sequence. Datum flow chain. Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing. Tolerance analysis. Tolerance synthesis. Robust design. Fixturing. Joint design and joining methods. Stream of variation. Auto body assembly case studies. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 590. Study or Research in Selected Manufacturing Topics
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. (1-3 credits)
Individual study of specialized aspects of Manufacturing engineering. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 591 (MECHENG 586). Laser Material Processing
Prerequisite: Senior or graduate standing. (3 credits)
Application of lasers in materials processing and manufacturing. Laser principles and optics. Fundamental concepts of laser/material interaction. Laser welding, cutting, surface modification, forming, and rapid prototyping. Modeling of processes, microstructure and mechanical properties of processed materials. Transport phenomena. Process monitoring. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 599. Special Topics
Prerequisite: Senior Standing. (1-4 credits)
Special Topics in Manufacturing CourseProfile (ATLAS)
600 Level Courses
MFG 605 (TO 605). Manufacturing and Supply Operations
Prerequisite: None. (1.5-3 credits)
This is a course on the basic concepts and techniques of operations and inventory management. The foundation of the course is a system of manufacturing laws collectively known as “Factory Physics”. These laws relate to measures of plant performance, such as throughput, cycle time, work-in-process, customer service, variability, and quality, in a consistent manner and provide a framework for evaluating and improving operations. Concepts and methods are examined via exercises and case studies. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 622 (MATSCIE 622) (NERS 622). Ion Beam Modification and Analysis of Materials
Prerequisite: NERS 421, NERS 521 or MATSCIE 350 or permission of instructor. (3 credits)
Ion-solid interactions, ion beam mixing, compositional changes, phase changes, micro-structural changes; alteration of physical and mechanical properties such as corrosion, wear, fatigue, hardness; ion beam analysis techniques such as RBS, NRA, PIXE, ion channeling, ion micro-probe; accelerator system design and operation as it relates to implantation and analysis. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
900 Level Courses
MFG 990. Dissertation/Pre-Candidate
Prerequisite: Permission of thesis committee; mandatory satisfactory/unsatisfactory. (2-8 credits); (1-4 credits)
Dissertation work by doctoral student not yet admitted to status as candidate. The defense of the dissertation, that is, the final oral examination, must be held under a full-term candidacy enrollment. CourseProfile (ATLAS)
MFG 995. Dissertation/Candidate
Prerequisite: College of Engineering authorization for admission as a doctoral candidate; mandatory satisfactory/unsatisfactory. (8 credits); (4 credits)
Election for dissertation work by a doctoral student who has been admitted to candidacy status. The defense of the dissertation, that is, the final oral examination, must be held under a full-term candidacy enrollment. CourseProfile (ATLAS)