
Graduate Degrees

  • Master of Science in Engineering (M.S.E.) in Chemical Engineering
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Chemical Engineering

M.S.E. in Chemical Engineering

The minimum requirement for the M.S.E. degree for a student entering with a baccalaureate degree in chemical engineering is 30 graduate credit hours with an average grade of “B.” A thesis is not required. The coursework must include at least 21 hours in chemical engineering (courses with a CHE prefix), of which up to 6 credit hours of research are accepted (e.g., CHE 695); and at least three credits outside the chemical engineering program. The required courses are Fluid Flow (CHE 527), Statistical and Irreversible Thermodynamics (CHE 538), Chemical Reactor Engineering (CHE 528), Transport Processes (CHE 542), Chemical Engineering Research Survey (CHE 595) and Math for Chemical Engineers (CHE 505). Each student is encouraged to develop a program to fit their professional objective and should consult with the graduate advisor concerning a plan of study.

Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering

The doctoral degree is conferred in recognition of marked ability and scholarship in some relatively broad field of knowledge. A part of the work consists of regularly scheduled graduate courses of instruction in the chosen field and in such cognate subjects as may be required by the committee. In addition, the student must pursue independent investigation in a subdivision of the selected field and must present the result of the investigation in the form of a dissertation.

A student becomes an applicant for the doctorate when admitted to the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies and accepted in a field of specialization. Candidacy is achieved when the student demonstrates competence in their broad field of knowledge through completion of a prescribed set of courses and passing a comprehensive examination.

The course requirements are the same as the M.S.E. degree, plus six (6) additional graduate level credits. Students must pass a comprehensive examination in chemical engineering and be recommended for candidacy for the doctorate. A special doctoral committee is appointed for each applicant to supervise the work of the student both as to election of courses and in preparation of the dissertation.

Information on the general procedure leading to the doctorate is available at the Rackham Graduate School website.