Engineering Division Courses (ENGR)

*For more information regarding course equivalencies please refer to the Course Equivalency section, under “How to Read a Course Description“, in the CoE Bulletin Website:

100 Level Courses

ENGR 100. Introduction to Engineering
(4 credits)
Focused team projects dealing with technical, economic, safety, environmental and social aspects of a real-world engineering problem. Written, oral and visual communication required within the engineering profession; reporting on the team engineering projects. The role of the engineer in society; engineering ethics. Organization and skills for effective teams. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 101. Introduction to Computers and Programming
Prerequisite: Prior or concurrent enrollment in MATH 115 or equivalent. Only 2 credits granted for ENGR 101 to those who have completed or are enrolled in ENGR 161; Credit for only one: EECS 180, EECS 183, ENGR 101, OR ENGR 151. (4 credits)
Algorithms and programming in C++ and MATLAB, computing as a tool in engineering, introduction to the organization of digital computers. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 110. Design Your Engineering Experience
Prerequisite: None. (2 credits)
In this elective course, you explore the breadth of opportunities available to engineers in both their education and their career. You will have a chance to explore the foundations of the field, and its influence on ourselves and the world we live in. You will learn about the engineering majors offered at Michigan, and the types of career paths available as an engineer. You will identify your own interests and goals, and discover the broader opportunities available through academic minors and co-curricular opportunities that align with your passions. And, you will actively incorporate this information into a plan for your educational experience in Michigan Engineering.  CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 151. Accelerated Introduction to Computers and Programming
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Only 2 credits granted for ENGR 151 to those who have completed or are enrolled in ENGR 161. Credit for only one: EECS 180, EECS 183, ENGR 101, OR ENGR 151. (4 credits)
Algorithms and programming in C++ and MATLAB. Procedural and object-oriented algorithm design, implementation and testing. Emphasis on engineering analysis and embedded computing application. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 161. MATLAB Applications for Engineers
Advisory Prerequisite: High school physics or concurrent enrollment in PHYSICS 140 or its equivalent. Ability to program in any language at the AP computer science level. Enforced Prerequisite: None. Credit Exclusion: No credit in ENGR 161 granted to those who have completed ENGR 101. (2 credits)
Introduction to methods for taking complex engineering problems and turning them into models that can be solved on a computer. The development of the models, data analysis, and plotting will be conducted in MatLab in a project-based format. The course is designed for non-computer science majors who have passed AP computer science but lack experience in computer modeling and the use of MatLab. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 190. Special Topics
Prerequisite: None. (1-6 credits)
Special topics of current interest selected by faculty. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 196. Outreach Internship
Prerequisite: None. (1 credit) These credits do not earn CTP (Credit Towards Program).
Practical work experience related to the student’s field of study in consultation with an academic advisor. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

200 Level Courses

ENGR 230. Honors Seminar I
Prerequisite: None. (1 credit)
This course provides the foundation for participation in the Honors Program. Students explore potential Honors capstone focus areas, reflect on individual academic growth and create a plan for development in several engineering core competency areas. Students work in small groups while participating in reflective and integrative learning exercise. Students engage in open dialogue on topics relevant to the engineering discipline. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 255. Introductory Multidisciplinary Engineering Project
Prerequisite: None. (1-4 credits)
Intro course in which students acquire, develop, and refine skills for success in the modern engineering design process using faculty or faculty/industry mentored, multidisciplinary, team-based, project work. Students will integrate: (1) knowledge from previous courses; (2) knowledge of engineering design process; and (3) professional skills (e.g., teamwork, project planning, communications, etc.). CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 256. Peer Mentorship in Engineering Design
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. (1-2 credits)
Peer mentorship of design-build-test engineering team projects at the first year level. Mentors assist teams on technology issues associated with design or production phases of the projects. Faculty oversight guides mentors in the development of leadership skills associated with design team project management. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 260. Engineering Across Cultures I
Prerequisite: None. (1 credit)
This course explores the role of culture and context in identifying and solving engineering problems. Lectures, guest speakers and group discussions focus on intercultural knowledge and case studies of engineering projects in a global context. The final project is a culture-specific needs assessment of a technical product/service. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 280. Undergraduate Research
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. (1-4 credits)
This course offers research experience to first- and second-year Engineering students in an area of mutual interest to the student and to a faculty member within the College of Engineering. For each hour of credit, it is expected that the student will work three hours per week. The grade for the course will be based on a final project/report evaluated by the faculty sponsor and participation in other required UROP activities, including bimonthly research group meetings and submission of a journal chronicling the research experience. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 290. Special Topics in Engineering
Prerequisite: None. (1-6 credits)
Special topics of current interest selected by faculty. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

300 Level Courses

ENGR 301. Engineering Undergraduate Study Abroad
Prerequisite: Student must meet any other prerequisites designated by the host university. (1-16 credits) These credits do not earn CTP (Credit Towards Program).
Students planning to study abroad for fall, winter, spring, summer or spring/summer on College of Engineering Study Abroad programs should register under Engineering Division (course #301). Separate course sections will be listed for each different study abroad destination. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 330. Honors Seminar II
Prerequisite: None. (1 credit)
This course develops interpersonal and intrapersonal qualities that are essential tools for success as an engineer. Students further their understanding of strengths, consider values in the context of ethical decisions, deepen their understanding of social identity and priviledge and develop a clear personal vision and leadership philosophy. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 345. Introduction to Design Processes
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. (2 credits)
Processes of design, focusing on front-end strategies, including opportunity discovery, problem definition, developing robust mechanisms to gather information from users and other stakeholders, data synthesis methods for translating user data into design requirements, creating innovative solutions during concept generation, and decision-making systems for evaluating possible solutions. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 350. International Laboratory Experience for Engineers
Prerequisite: ENGR 100, permission of instructor (3 credits)
This course provides practical laboratory experience at a partner institute abroad. Students work on small project teams with local students to design and conduct experiments, analyze results and present reports to faculty and industry representatives. Students gain international perspectives on the engineering field and develop intercultural communication and problem-solving skills. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 354. Engineering Design Practice
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor (1 credit)
Lectures are structured around the modern design process common to all engineering disciplines. The importance of the development of clear and traceable requirements, analysis ranging from scaling and order-of-magnitude calculations to sophisticated simulations and tests. Project scoping exercise. Synthesis of solutions and trades are studied in detail. Students are encouraged to take ENGR 354 and 355 simultaneously. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 355. Intermediate Multidisciplinary Engineering Project
Enforced Prerequisite: Permission of instructor (1-4 credits)
Intermediate course in which students acquire, develop, and refine skills for success in the engineering design process using faculty or faculty/industry mentored, multidisciplinary, team-based, project work. Students will integrate: (1) knowledge from previous courses; (2) knowledge of engineering design process; and (3) professional skills (e.g., teamwork, project planning, communications, etc.). CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 371 (MATH 371). Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists
Advised Prerequisite: ENGR 101, one of MATH 216, 256, 286 or 316, and one of MATH 214, 217, 417, or 419. (3 credits)
This is a survey course of the basic numerical methods which are used to solve scientific problems. In addition, concepts such as accuracy, stability and efficiency are discussed. The course provides an introduction to MATLAB, an interactive program for numerical linear algebra as well as practice in computer programming. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 390. Special Topics in Engineering
Prerequisite: None. (1-6 credits)
Special topics of current interest selected by faculty. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 391. Directed Overseas Study
Prerequisite: Foreign language skills as necessary; sophomore standing. (1-3 credits)
Directed overseas study in an industrial placement that is overseen by a faculty member at host institution in conjunction with academic courses taken as part of a study abroad program. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 399. Directed Study in Science and Technology Policy
Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor. (1-4 credits)
Directed study that involves a strong technical element that is combined with policy aspects of interest to the student. The content may be based on research performed during participation in the Michigan in Washington or Public Service Intern Program. The course of study will be supervised by a faculty member in Washington DC, or in the student’s home department. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

400 Level Courses

ENGR 400. Engineering Cooperative Education
Prerequisite: Permission of program director. (no credit) These credits do not earn CTP (Credit Towards Program).
Off-campus work under the auspice of the cooperative education program. Engineering work experience in government or industry. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 403. Scientific Visualization
Prerequisite: Upper division or Graduate Standing. (3 credits)
Introduces engineering and science students to scientific visualization principles of data display. Use of color to encode quantitative information. Display of 2- and 3-D scalar and vector data. Interactive computer techniques emphasized. Extensive hands-on practice. Project or research paper required. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 405 (CHE 405). Problem Solving and Troubleshooting in the Workplace
Prerequisite: Senior standing. (3 credits)
The course goals are to help students enhance their problem solving, critical thinking, creative thinking and troubleshooting skills and to ease the transition from college to the workplace. The course includes a few speakers from the industry. Students work in teams to complete the home problems and the term project. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 406 (EECS 406). High-Tech Entrepreneurship
Prerequisite: None. (4 credits)
Four aspects of starting high-tech companies are discussed: opportunity and strategy, creating new ventures, functional development and growth and financing. Also, student groups work on reviewing business books, case studies, elevator and investor pitches. Different funding models are covered, including angel or VC funding and small business (SBIR) funding. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 410 (EECS 410). Patent Fundamentals for Engineers
Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing or graduate standing. (4 credits)
This course covers the fundamentals of patents for engineers. The first part of the course focuses on the rules and codes that govern patent prosecution, and the second part focuses on claim drafting and amendment writing. Other topics include litigation, ethics and licensing. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 430. Honors Seminar III
Prerequisite: None. (1 credit)
This course supports integrative learning for students in the final year of the Honors Program. Students integrate learning from previous educational experiences to develop lifelong learning skills and prepare to contribute to the fields of science and engineering. Students provide mentorship to lower-division students on the creation of a personal development plan. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 450. Multidisciplinary Design
Prerequisite: Must meet individual engineering departmental requirements for senior design. (4 credits)
A senior capstone interdisciplinary engineering design experience. The student is exposed to the design process from concept through analysis to system integration, prototyping, testing and report. Interdisciplinary projects are proposed from the different areas within engineering. Two hours of lecture and two laboratories. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 455. Advanced Multidisciplinary Engineering Project
Enforced Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. (1-4 credits)
Advanced course in which students acquire, develop, and refine skills for success in the modern engineering design process using faculty or faculty/industry mentored, multidisciplinary, team-based, project work. Students will integrate: (1) knowledge from previous courses; (2) knowledge of engineering design process; and (3) professional skills (e.g., teamwork, project planning, communications, etc.) CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 456. Mentorship-Leadership in Multidisciplinary Design
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. (2 credits)
Mentoring and/or leadership of engineering team projects for multidisciplinary design at junior or senior level. Students participate in reflective and integrated learning exercises while simultaneously providing guidance based on previous participation in team based multidisciplinary engineering projects. Students offer technical knowledge, interpersonal/group dynamics, and project management skills to teams. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 460. Engineering Across Cultures II
Prerequisite: ENGR 260, minimum grade of C. (1 credit)
This course is the second of a 2-course sequence for the students enrolled in the International Minor for Engineers. It is designed to help students reflect on their international/intercultural experience leveraging the Intercultural Development Inventory, the Experiential Learning Framework and its related competencies. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 480. Global Synthesis Project
Prerequisite: Admitted to Tauber Institute for Global Operations. (4 credits)
Students will work on global operations or industry-relevant projects. Students will work on multi-disciplinary teams with business students, under faculty supervision. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 490. Special Topics in Engineering
Prerequisite: None. (1-6 credits)
Special topics of current interest selected by faculty. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 499. Designing Your Engineering Future
Prerequisite: None. Advised Prerequisite: Students must have at least one experiential (i.e., active, concrete, contextual) encounter. (2 credits for full-term, 1 credit for half-term)
Students leverage past UM experiences to communicate their development of various professional competencies such as teamwork, leadership, ethics, entrepreneurial mindset, and creativity. Through discussions with peers and industry mentors, students will reflect on their experiences and create a set of guiding principles and a professional statement for their future. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

500 Level Courses

ENGR 520. Entrepreneurial Business Fundamentals for Engineers & Scientists
Prerequisite: Senior or graduate standing. (3 credits)
This course provides students with a perspective in looking to form or join startup companies and those that are looking to create corporate value via industrial research. The students are taught the entrepreneurial business development screening tools necessary to translate opportunities into businesses with focus on: strategy, finance and market positioning. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 521. Clean Tech Entrepreneurship
Advised Prerequisite: Senior and Graduate Standing. (1.5 credits)
The course teaches the students how to screen venture opportunities in various clean tech domains. Venture assessments are approached through strategic, financial and market screens, and consider the impact of policy and regulatory constraints on the business opportunity. There is a term project with two milestone deliverables. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 523 (BA 518). Business of Biology
Advances in life science research have enhanced our understanding of the human genome, human genetic variation, and the role that genes play in our everyday health, response to treatment and susceptibility to disease.  This new frontier in genomic medicine ushers in both opportunity and peril for individuals, companies and societies. The objective in this interdisciplinary graduate course is to explore the intersections between science, technology, commerce and social policy as they come together to advance (and in some cases retard) progress toward more-personalized health care. The course is intended for graduate students in medicine, biomedical and  health-related science, public health, law, engineering, and business interested in the future of health care. Due to variation in student backgrounds coming into the course, efforts are made to establish a shared vocabulary and knowledge base across the disciplines. Interdisciplinary student teams are assigned to a group research project which is presented at the end of the course. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 570 (NERS 570). Methods and Practice of Scientific Computing
Advisory Prerequisite: MATH 371 or MATH 471.
Enforced Prerequisite: ENGR 101 or 151 or EECS 183 AND MATH 216 or 256 or 286; or Graduate Status. Minimum grade of “C” required for enforced prerequisite. (4 credits)
Designed for graduate students developing the methods and using the tools of scientific computing. Students learn how to use HPC clusters, and utilize community tools and software engineering best practices to develop their own codes. Students are expected to have had some introduction to programming, linear algebra, and differential equations.

ENGR 580. Teaching Engineering
Prerequisite: Doctoral candidate. (3 credits)
Aimed at doctoral students from all engineering disciplines interested in teaching. Topics include educational philosophies, educational objectives, learning styles, collaborative and active learning, creativity, testing and grading, ABET requirements, diversity, equity and inclusion issues. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 590. International Experience in Engineering
Prerequisite: Seniors and grad students of engineering only. (2-8 credits)
This independent study course covers selected research areas in engineering. The topic and research plan must be approved by the instructor. A student is expected to participate in the planning of the course, visit a foreign research institution, participate in a research project (analytical and/or experimental) and write a report. The course may continue for more than one semester. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 591. Engineering Graduate Study Abroad
Prerequisite: Student must have 4-5 semesters of foreign language for immersion programs and fulfill any other prerequisites designated by the host university. (1-16 credits)
Students planning to study abroad for fall, winter, spring, summer or spring/summer on College of Engineering Study Abroad programs should register under Engineering Division (course #591). Separate course sections will be listed for each different study abroad destination. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 599. Special Topics in Engineering
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. (1-4 credits)
Graduate course in which students acquire, develop, and refine skills for success in the engineering design process using faculty or faculty/industry mentored, multidisciplinary, team-based, project work. Students will integrate: (1) knowledge from previous courses; (2) knowledge of engineering design process; and (3) professional skills (e.g., teamwork, project planning, communications, etc.) CourseProfile (ATLAS)

600 Level Courses

ENGR 600. Engineering Practicum Projects
Prerequisite: Graduate standing and permission of the department. (8 credits)
This practice-oriented course is intended to provide students with industrial work experience in their academic discipline. Students may participate in individual or team projects in an industrial setting. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

900 Level Courses

ENGR 996. Responsible Research Practices
(1-2 credits)
The Research Responsibility Program introduces concepts and policies relating the responsible practice of research. It does not provide opportunities for students to put what they are learning into practice in a scholarly context. The course is designed to provide the opportunity to apply what students are learning to the scholarly analysis of an issue that raises questions about responsible research practices. Attendance required. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

ENGR 998. Curriculum Practical Project
Prerequisite: None. (1 credit)
Practical work experience related to graduate student’s field of study in consultation with the student’s department/program, cognizant faculty, and the Engineering Career Resource Center.